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All About Eyes

4 Feb

I have very sensitive skin underneath my eyes.  It is normally very dry and often gets creased.  If I am tired you can always see it in my eyes.  During the winter months I really have to moisturize this area and have used an endless amount of products.  My all-time favorite under eye cream is Clinique All About Eyes Rich.


At £24.00 it’s pricey for only 15ml (£39.00 for 30ml), but you don’t need much of it and it lasts quite a while.


It’s a light pink color, a nice thick cream consistency, and very moisturising.


In addition to the moisture, it helps to soothe my eyes when they’re puffy and reduces dark circles.


I absolutely recommend this product if you have dry under eyes or suffer from creases in the under eye skin.  It sets well under makeup and doesn’t take long to absorb.  Considering you only need a dab under each eye, I think it’s good value for money and will last you a long time.  If you don’t need the extra moisture formula, Clinique also has a non-Rich formula.